Trade Teams
like Tokens

Back your favorite teams, get exclusive access to their inner circle, and win a share of their earnings.

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How it works

Discover Guilds, Own Fractions, and Earn.

For Backers
For Teams
For Game Developers

Support your favourite teams and share in the rewards 🤑

Find the next Team Spirit and share their success.

  • Choose your teams

    Purchase a fraction of your favourite teams in seconds.
  • Track their performance

    When your teams dominate, you’ll earn with them.
  • Snipe new teams, early

    Use the dashboard to snipe fractions in the newest guilds before anyone else.

Real Money, No Costs 💰

Turn your esports dream into a reality.

  • Build your team

    Grab your best players, friends or even scout from existing teams. Do whatever it takes to win.
  • Compete head to head

    Train, strategise and compete for prizes (and money) in your favourite games.
  • Earn, even if you don’t win

    Got some backers? Your team earns every time someone buys or sells a Shard of your team!

Game Monetisation on Steroids 📈

Boost retention, LTV, conversion rates and more with minimal developer effort.

  • Integrate the Shards SDK

    Game engine and chain agnostic, our documentation and integration team will help you all the way through.
  • Run Epic Tournaments

    Competitive tournaments are the heartbeat of your game. Make them intense!
  • Scale your Profit

    With your newfound revenue streams, shift your focus to user acquisition and deeper engagement loops to scale your revenue beyond just profitability.

Robust features

Browse any game, discover and trade guild fractions with ease.
Live Activity
Real-time activity feed showing fraction trades of guilds within different games.
Earning Distribution
Guild founders have full control over guild revenue split among themselves, players, and fraction owners.
Guild Chat
Guild members and fraction owners can share the same private chat in the app.
View Guild Information
View and track guild activities, analytics and more
Portfolio Management
Manage your guild fractions, transactions, rewards and account profile.
Frequently Asked Questions is a marketplace DApp and website that allows users to discover and track teams to support, buy and sell fractions to own a share of teams, portfolio management, and more.

Fractions represent fractional ownership of teams within web3 games we integrate with. Anyone can purchase it to become shareholders of their favorite teams.

As a Fraction holder:

If the value of your fractions goes up, you could make some sweet profits when you decide to sell. Plus, 1 fraction is your ticket to becoming a shareholder of a team, so you'll get a cut of the team's revenue. Revenue sharing is autonomously enforced via smart contracts with the earning splits being configurable by game studios and team founders.

As a Team:

Teams formed under the Shards ecosystem automatically generate “fractions” which represent team shares that anyone can trade. For every trade, your team captures 5% of all the fees. To illustrate, if 1 fraction gets sold for $100, your team earns $5.

This is on top of the leaderboard rewards that your team can potentially earn depending on the game.

Shards utilizes an automated market maker (AMM) pool with a customized bonding curve, creating a single-sided market for fraction trading.

The price of each fraction is determined by the total supply, with trades executed along the pricing curve. Whenever a fraction is purchased, it's minted, and when sold back to the liquidity pool, it's burned, affecting the price according to the bonding curve.

A 10% transaction fee is taken for every trade. This fee is then distributed back to the teams (5%), the game studio (3-4%), Shards treasury (1%), and the referrer (1%, if any).

Absolutely! Share your referral link with your friends and invite them to join. Whenever they make trades, you'll receive 1% of their trading fees, forever!

Our SDK allows seamless integration into any web3 game, enabling the trading of "fractions" or shares of teams. Your game earns 3-4% of all the fraction trading volume on our platform.

Integrating the SDK into your web3 game is a straightforward process. Simply follow our documentation and API guidelines for seamless integration. For further support, feel free to reach out and our support team will be more than happy to assist you.

Yes, our SDK is designed to be accessible to any game developer in any chain, free of charge.

Integrate with us

Shards SDK allows any game to quickly integrate with our platform - hassle-free, zero cost, any chain.